Our project schools
Our first project school since 2007 is the Felege Abay (translation: source of the Nile) and is located in the center of Bahir Dar near Lake Tana. The second school was built at the Shimbit school and is located in the west part of the city. The third school has been realized at the Teyma school. which is located on the other side of the Nile in the east part of the city. Since 2022, we have been in contact with a fourth allready existing school for Special Education: The Yekatit-23 school. They now also follow the courses sponsored by Centrum International.

From left to right: Shimbitschool, Yekatit-23 school, Felege Abay school and the Teyma school

Together with the local authorities and the university of Bahir Dar.
At the end of 2018, begin 2019, Centrum International promoted a research to investigate the need of parents and their children when they leave school. And what could be the role in society for those children. With the outcome of the research Centrum International likes to make new plans. These plans we will discussed with the parents, and after that we make a plan for the next years. One of the conclusions is to create a broad spectrum of vocational training opportunities. During our visit in November 2019 Centrum International worked on those plans together with university and local authorities.